Has this ever happened to you?
You start to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, grumpy and like NOTHING is okay… and then you get your period and realize your hormones were trying to tell you to slow down and rest.
As we head into September, you might be feeling the call to settle back into the comfort of a routine. Much like the seasons, our bodies move through cycles of expansion and contraction as we move through our menstrual cycle.
Living in alignment with your body’s cycles is a reminder that you can’t always be go, go, go. Sometimes you need to rest or take time to reflect.
Today I want to share some basics of cycle tracking with you – so that you can start to plan your calendar according to your body’s cycles or that of the moon if your cycle is irregular, don’t have a menstrual cycle, or you’re in postmenopause.
Let’s start with some cycle tracking basics:
Each phase of your monthly cycle has a different quality of energy & is suited for different kinds of projects or self-care activities.
Menstrual – New Moon
Days 1-7
Follicular – Waxing Moon
Days 8-13
Ovulation – Full Moon
Day 14-15
Luteal – waning moon
Day 16-28
I created a journal to support you with tracking how you feel day to day to help you feel more attuned to yourself and the natural rhythms of your body and the planet every day.
You can sign up to get the Wild & Free journal here.
We have a whole month dedicated to the ins and outs of cyclical living included in the Wild Collective Curriculum. You can learn more about that right here.
I’d love to hear how you’re transitioning into Fall, comment below to let me know what you’ve got planned for this month. I look forward to hearing from you.
- Dr. Willow
I help women achieve optimal digestive and hormonal wellness through a root cause, individualized approach to medicine that utilizes functional lab testing, diet and lifestyle modification, nutritional and herbal medicine, and acupuncture to re-establish lasting health.
The Wild Collective: my women's ♀️ group health program
Gut health program coming soon, stay tuned 👀!
Between my wait listed practice, building my Wild Collective communities, and being Mom, I don't email often, but I'm working behind the scenes to bring you major value and I'd love to be able to tell you about it when it is ready (along with some more personal shares).
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